
Columbus pivots smart city funding toward prenatal care


After winning $40 million from the Transportation Department’s Smart City Challenge grant last year, Columbus, Ohio, has received approval to divert funds away from bus safety sensors, parking and street lights, and into medical transportation for pregnant mothers.

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Why Sharing Cities make sense for a prosperous and sustainable future

Darren_Sharp_nd Family Portrait

The sharing economy is an exciting new story for a new economy. It’s an idea that’s going mainstream and is often talked about in terms of matching needs with haves and connecting supply and demand at the peer to peer level.

You might have first-hand experience of how the sharing economy provides opportunities to better utlise your idle assets whether a spare bedroom, that car sitting in your driveway, or even the driveway itself. There’s also a raft of new service exchanges that enable people to share skills and errand marketplaces that provide task-based opportunities for people to supplement their income.

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Urban Disruption, Sidewalk Labs and Social Inclusion in the Public Realm of Future SmartCities

accessible 3-d rendering

OP-ED in Reply To: “Reimagining cities from the internet up” by Daniel L. Doctoroff Dear Daniel L. Doctoroff, Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! I applaud and appreciate your efforts and the efforts of your team at Sidewalk Labs for demonstrating the importance of listening, learning, and putting all people first. Like yourself, I understand the urban public realm and am eager to see…

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Designing the Smart City | HuffPost

smart city concept illustration

Historically, the development of cities was spearheaded by kings but in contemporary times, cities are actively shaped by five types of socio-political actors: Agenda-setters (city councils/governments), Experts (urban planners), Sponsors (investors), Developers (contractors) and … Citizens (residents, public-interest groups, industry influencers, academia leaders, visitors)! However, much of the research and planning around smart cities is driven by technology rather than by the needs of the citizens. The citizen experience is often overlooked! To redesign this experience citizens need to have a seat at the table.

Smart cities can empower their citizens to design and shape their future. Toronto, for example, has been leveraging its “creative class” of financiers, healthcare researchers, artists, corporate strategists, lawyers, and social work pioneers to shape the future of the city the way citizens want.

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Smart cities: Facts to consider

Smart cities: Facts to consider

It is very important for planners to understand the capacity of any city to hold the population, suitability for urban activities, geographical location, proximity to different hazards, present vulnerability and future risks to develop smart cities

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Accessibility Without Discrimination

Screenshot-2017-11-27 Accessibility Without Discrimination – FITA Malta

/.title Nov 26, 2017 /.title-container   The 3rd of December marks the International Day of Persons with Disability and the start of Disability Week 2017.  To mark this day,  on Friday, 24 November, 2017, Hon. MEP Marlene Mizzi hosted the public conference Accessibility Without Discrimination at the Phoenicia Hotel, supported by the S&D group in the European Parliament.  The Malta…

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