
Ability Tools | Assistive Technology for Californians with Disabilities in Living Independently

AAbility Tools, formerly the AT Network, is California’s Assistive Technology Act Program. We provide a variety of services for Californians with disabilities of all ages.Our services include: AT Exchange marketplace Device Lending Libraries Financial loan program for AT Information & Referral Reuse program in affiliation with organizational partnersIn addition, we provide in-person and webinar trainings, technical assistance to organizations on AT issues and coordinate the California Assistive Technology Reuse Coalition.Ability Tools offers a FREE membership to anyone interested in learning more about AT and looking to connect with other like-minded individuals via the Ability Tools listserv.Ability Tools is made possible through funding from the Department of Rehabilitation, financed by the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration with funds allocated by the Assistive Technology Act of 2004.

Source: About: About Ability Tools | Ability Tools – Assistive Technology for Californians with Disabilities in Living Independently

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