
Accessible Smart City Urban Mobility Practices

Worldwide, over 1 billion people live with a disability. Demographic change leads in some parts of the world to an ever-aging population while in other parts birth rates are still well above four children per women. Thus, many people face immense barriers to take part at social and economic activities. Accessibility to public transport and the usability of public infrastructure is a necessary precondition for equal participation.

The development of accessible infrastructure, mobility, communication and information is not only an advantage for people with disabilities or the elderly, but is for the benefit of all – for persons using pushchairs, for those carrying heavy baggage, for cyclists etc. Accessibility is sustainable and economic:Accessible transport can be used by everyone for all areas of life: to reach the working place, to go to the theater, to go shopping etc.

Complete accessibility will strengthen the economy, because everyone will reach the place where s/he wants to go. The more people are able to use public transport in a comfortable way, the better it is for the environment. To plan accessible mobility from the beginning is sustainable and will save costs in the future….

Download the full brief that answers the following questions and includes solutions and strategies:

1) Why to make urban public transport accessible?

2) How to identify the most effective measures for accessible urban mobility?

3) What can I do as Mayor/Government Leadership?

4) How to implement universal accessible urban transport?

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